الجمعة، 10 نوفمبر 2017

Carbohydrate Calculator

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Carbohydrate Calculator


You need 2,963 Calories/day to maintain your weight. You should take 316 (40%) - 593 (75%) grams (11.15 - 20.91 Oz or 0.697 - 1.307 Lb) of carbohydrate for your energy needs. (55% = 435 grams (15.33 Oz or 0.958 Lb), 65% = 514 grams (18.12 Oz or 1.132 Lb))
You need 2,463 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week. You should take 263 (40%) - 493 (75%) grams (9.27 - 17.38 Oz or 0.579 - 1.086 Lb) of carbohydrate for your energy needs. (55% = 361 grams (12.74 Oz or 0.797 Lb), 65% = 427 grams (15.06 Oz or 0.941 Lb))
You need 1,963 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week. You should take 209 (40%) - 393 (75%) grams (7.39 - 13.85 Oz or 0.462 - 0.866 Lb) of carbohydrate for your energy needs. (55% = 288 grams (10.16 Oz or 0.635 Lb), 65% = 340 grams (12.00 Oz or 0.750 Lb))
You need 3,463 Calories/day to gain 1 lb per week. You should take 369 (40%) - 693 (75%) grams (13.03 - 24.43 Oz or 0.814 - 1.527 Lb) of carbohydrate for your energy needs. (55% = 508 grams (17.92 Oz or 1.120 Lb), 65% = 600 grams (21.18 Oz or 1.323 Lb))
You need 3,963 Calories/day to gain 2 lb per week. You should take 423 (40%) - 793 (75%) grams (14.91 - 27.96 Oz or 0.932 - 1.748 Lb) of carbohydrate for your energy needs. (55% = 581 grams (20.50 Oz or 1.282 Lb), 65% = 687 grams (24.23 Oz or 1.515 Lb))
Height feet  inches
Weight pounds

RelatedCalorie Calculator | Protein Calculator | Fat Intake Calculator


By definition, carbohydrates are organic compounds that consist only of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon, with hydrogen and oxygen in the 2:1 ratio. Carbohydrates, protein, and fats are the most important elements for a human being's good nutrition. One gram of carbohydrate contains around 3.75 calories of energy (or 106 calories per ounce). Carbohydrates are broken down and classified into "simple" and "complex" carbohydrates. Foods high in simple carbohydrates include fruits, sugars, sweets, and soft drinks. Foods made mainly from rice, wheat, corn, potatoes, and beans, such as breads, pastas, noodles, etc., are high in complex carbohydrates. Nutritionists generally recommend complex carbohydrates, and nutrient-rich simple carbohydrate food, such as fruit (glucose or fructose) and dairy products (lactose) for the bulk of carbohydrate consumption. Simple sugars, such as candy and sugary drinks, are generally not recommended.
Based on the effects on risk of heart disease and obesity, the Institute of Medicine recommends that American and Canadian adults get 40% to 65% of their dietary energy from carbohydrates. The Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization jointly recommend that national dietary guidelines set a goal of 55% to 75% of total energy from carbohydrates, but only 10% directly from sugars (their term for simple carbohydrates).

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